an EMU spotted in Florida ?

So last week we listened to an Irish character that aired on Radio NL in British Columbia… this week, it’s something for Florida in the US.  But no it’s not an example of my “general American” accent… it’s simply a good old ocker Aussie accent.  For me this is nothing special, but for my US clients, it’s something that is hard for them to fake and the real thing is so much better for the end-client !

That’s why I’m sharing this voiceover, because the end-client loved it …. because it sounds “real” !

Please check the video below – yes video – this is a TVC… that’s where the EMU comes in…  yep I’m an emu ! Before you go to video, I’d like to give credit to my employer in the US – Andrew Frame of BAFsoundworks. Both Andrew and myself would love your comments on the video. [stream flv=x:/ mp4=x:/ embed=false share=false width=350 height=250 dock=true controlbar=over skin=dangdang.swf bandwidth=high autostart=false /]

4 Responses to “an EMU spotted in Florida ?”

  • Abe:

    Sounds like a real Aussie! Gotta love the real thing

  • Andrew:

    Love the VO… but why is an Emu married to an Ostrich?

  • wow ! Nice pick Andrew. Seriously I have no idea… I’m just the voice guy 😉

  • Andrew:

    What can I say… it’s one of those annoying habits I just happened to make a profession out of. LOL

    (mind you, it is easier to critique others specks, than to remove our own planks sometime eh?)

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