Archive for July, 2009
After last weeks long blog post… this week, I’m going to keep it short and educational…
(well kinda of).
At my day job I edit and produce a lot of material, generally speaking it’s educational material read by lecturers. On occasion, either myself or Sandra read the material – but it’s generally Course Introductions or Overviews, never “lectures”. Well that was until Friday arvo a week ago. The biggest reason we encourage lecturers to read their own material, is because they know their subject and material. But as I keep learning, a professional Voice Actor can make it sound like they know what they’re talking about, so much so, that the listener understands and learns from what is being said. Read the rest of this entry »
the voiceover scene…some random thoughts
Last week while searching for ideas of things to Blog about, Professor Kate Foy – a very prolific blogger and fellow Voice Actor, suggested that I write about the Brisbane voiceover industry. While I’ve been working as a professional voiceover guy for about 20 years in and around Brisbane, I do not feel confident enough to comment on the Brisneyland industry. Why ? Well this is quite simple, during those 20 years, unlike many of my peers, I have not relied solely on Voiceovers for income. I’ve been an announcer, Creative Director, Production Manager…and these days, simply a Producer. But all this time, I have been paid to voice stuff. I guess that technically classes me as a professional Voiceover person – but again, I’ve just been hanging out on the fringes. People like Graham Gould, Todd Levi, Sharyn Doolan – and most of the other members of Brisvo – (people who rely on Voiceovers for their primary income) – could possibly talk with more conviction about the Brisbane Industry. (I invite any of those people to leave comments here, and tell us how things really are.) Read the rest of this entry »
…here’s one I prepared earlier
ok.. so I didn’t actually prepare this one earlier… it might have been on time if I had.
So, apologies for my tardiness this week.
It’s Saturday morning, been to the gym, done some of my weekend chores… now sitting drinking a coffee and writing.
I’ve been seriously struggling with the audio piece I’m going to share this week…. I have two that I’d love to share but one of them is a little controversial…so I might just sit on it a little longer. Read the rest of this entry »
a writers rant
Seriously, it’s kind of funny, for 10 years I was considered a “professional writer“, and I didn’t even pass Senior English at high school. Sure english can be a strange language – weird spelling, bizarre phonetics – just ask someone who’s learning english as a second language how difficult it is. In saying that, as a writer I was trained that there are several reasons to strive for perfection in every script. Read the rest of this entry »
great creatives & a nice read…
This week I’ve got a read for you to listen to brought to my attention by the producer, but before I move on to the audio …I’d like to sing the praises of some great radio Creative writers. Read the rest of this entry »