it’s a legal thing
What I love about voiceovers or audio in general, is that, to really make something ‘come alive’, a voiceover or sound is needed. It’s just a great way to engage. To switch on the imagination of the listener !
It’s not just radio and TV ads that need voiceovers – one of the biggest growth areas over the last 5 to 10 years has been the internet. With faster broadband speeds, these days we hardly blink an eye if there’s audio of some sort on a web page. Everything from advertising, blogging, social networking…to Educational material – all utilising voice in some form.
One such Training or Educational web piece I was recently involved with was for my client SoundImages – for Department of Justice – (follow the link and click on any of the headings at the top of the image). {note: due to this FLASH – this may not display on all devices} Of course, due to the client – the most suitable style for my read was a very serious Corporate/Doco style. In recent days I’ve been working on web-based Educational material for Certificate IV in Fitness Training – so my style of read is quite a bit “lighter” but staying within a corporate style.
Training and Educational based web material is one of the fastest growing industries at the moment, certainly not something that can or should be ignored !