…here’s one I prepared earlier
ok.. so I didn’t actually prepare this one earlier… it might have been on time if I had.
So, apologies for my tardiness this week.
It’s Saturday morning, been to the gym, done some of my weekend chores… now sitting drinking a coffee and writing.
I’ve been seriously struggling with the audio piece I’m going to share this week…. I have two that I’d love to share but one of them is a little controversial…so I might just sit on it a little longer.
The voiceover I’ve got this week to share was produced for PRIME Television (a regional Australian TV network), and their nightly lineup. I recently heard a parody of this style in a “Family Guy” episode – it made me laugh as I totally understand their reasoning for taking the piss out of this style – the voiceover builds and starts with a line for a lighthearted show – then the serious voice for the serious show – then back to the light read again…when you think about it like that, it’s quite funny. Here’s the audio, I like my read on this, but I just can’t help but laugh…please leave a comment with your thoughts !
While sitting here drinking coffee and trying to be inspired, Prof Kate Foy – a very prolific blogger and fellow Voice Actor, suggested that I write about the Brisbane voiceover industry. I’m not totally convinced that I can write about the Brisbane scene with the detail that I’d like… but next week, I might share some general thoughts on the Australian VoiceOver scene. I’ll try to be on time next week too. Have a great week !
Thanks Jas. Like the read, like the style of the writing … it ‘grabs’ the ear with something vaguely familiar – the ref to the tv – and which makes the listener tune in. Look forward to your post on the OZ-VO scene.