great creatives & a nice read…
This week I’ve got a read for you to listen to brought to my attention by the producer, but before I move on to the audio …I’d like to sing the praises of some great radio Creative writers. As most of you know, I worked quite a few years in commercial radio. During my years as Creative Director, I employed a number of young people as writers, who at the time showed some considerable promise. Some of those young people are no longer in the radio industry – but treasure their time as radio writers. Then there are the folks who are still writing for radio…I’d like to congratulate three of those people who are moving or have moved into new positions… Sonya Winterbotham – the new Creative Director at ARN Adelaide, Peter Laurie – the new CD at Southern Cross – Sunshine Coast Radio Centre and Matt Dawson moving to ARN Brisbane. I am so proud of all three of these writers and would like to offer my sincere congratulations on their new gigs. They always were much better writers than myself and these days I am often privileged to read their material as the voiceover guy.
Ok, now onto this week’s audio chunk. I read this track for Abes Audio recently and for some reason producer Ben Meares thought it stood out, so he brought it to my attention. It is a nice read, and very nice production – thanks for making me sound so good Ben !
Yep – Sonia is really good. Great gig for her.
Yeah man thats a good read.
Sounding good man!
Yep, that Pete Laurie really is awesome.
Pete Laurie
Founder/Junior Vice=President
Pete Laurie Appreciation Society
Thanks for the mention mate!!
Praise to you too my good man, wouldnt be where I am today if you didn’t give me a go to begin with!!
6 years as a writer has flown by!!