…another read
Another quick post this week, today I re-read a commercial I did twelve months ago. The client liked the read… so asked me to re-read with a slight copy change. This one was produced by Russell @ Australia’s Voiceover House – Nice work!
I kind of like this read… once again, it sort of falls into that category that I prefer – the natural, real person read…well, it’s kinda “real”, I think. So often I’m asked for the “big deep read”… this is just more me.
Let me know your thoughts – leave your comments below!
Tis the style of read you are best at my friend.
Nice, natural delivery. Good work Jas.
Ditto to Ben. Friendly reads are your strength mate. Nice.
Good tones. I like the read, even if you have that funny accent. 😛
It’s a bit of a shame we can’t get more exposure for non-local accents here in the States. With as many commercials looking for “something different”, most advertisers aren’t willing to step over the ponds to take advantage of the excellent talent available.
All of the above !! , gr8 work 🙂