now hear this…aussie sfx
Today I have my producer hat on…(not the voice artist hat)…
As a commercial producer and as a post-production editor, I’ve been in the situation where I’ve needed a very specific sound effect, whether that be a specific sound or ambience. High quality genuine/real sound effects of nature are sometimes hard to find.
Over the last few years I’ve started bookmarking and keeping a register of websites that offer for sale or offer Royalty-free sound effects. This has certainly on more than one occasion got me out of trouble. But one thing that seems elusive are Australian sound effects. A number of years ago (early nineties) an Australian company released some SFX CDs that were predominantly Australian, but I have NO idea where to source these today, as I can’t find the distributor. So when I was chatting with someone who records and sells his “Australian Nature Sounds” – I was very keen to bookmark and preview these effects.
I was at the ‘Apple University Consortium – CreateWorld Conference 2010‘, where I met up with Dr Eric Fassbender from Charles Darwin University. Eric’s “hobby” is capturing Australian Nature sounds – and he does a darn good job at it !
Certainly in my career, and I know I’m not alone here, I have been in many situations where I simply can’t find the effect I can hear in my head, and need to finish the product I’m working on.
So I encourage you to stop by Eric’s site and at least preview his recordings, you just never know when you’ll need them for that next project.
Just as I was about to upload this post, I received a very special offer for YOU from Eric: “The automatic coupon code feature is not implemented yet, but if they send an email to with the recordings they are interested in and the “code” ‘Jason Myatt’ somewhere in the text, they’ll receive a 50% discount offer valid until January 7 2011″ Pretty awesome deal, thanks Eric!
As usual, I’d love to hear your comments on the fx.
I think they are awesome! I have a pretty large collection of pure sound recordings and Eric’s are definetly among the really good ones and I consider stuff like that hard to find.
Thanks Jason, Martin,
I really appreciate the positive feedback and am working with increasing joy to bring you more authentic nature sounds from our beloved country. My next trip over Christmas/New Year takes me throughout the Northern Territory and some stretches of Western Australia. Stay tuned for more nature sounds on my blog/RSS ( or the Facebook group (
Thanks again for the feedback,