FVO1 – Sandra

So my post last week was pretty boring it seems, as no one was inspired to comment.  I know to some, what I’m doing here each week is a little ‘self-indulgent’, but it’s purely to try and keep my clients up-to-date with what I’m doing and what I’m capable of, to hopefully make YOUR clients happier !  As a business person and Voice Artist, I want to be the first person you think of when looking for that specific voice…and I’m trying to do that by reminding you every week that I’m here! Having said all that, this week, I’m going to step away from the spotlight and shine the bright lights on someone else.

Nearly five years ago I moved away from working full-time in Commercial radio, ever since, I’ve been working as an Audio Producer at the University of Southern Queensland.  Day in, Day out I share my workspace with, Sandra Adams – a talented audio producer, who has worked in this environment since graduating from Uni with a Bachelor of Communication degree.  (Yes, she’s way more educated than me .. and it shows).

Sandra - a little shy

Sandra – a little shy

Unlike me, Sandra is very skilled behind a camera too – often working in our TV studio as well as her very nice ProTools equipped Audio studio.

For almost as long as Sandra has been working at the University (coming on 10 years now), she has been lending her voice to a large variety of Educational material – from simple course introductions to large scale documentary style material. Recently a large group of Engineers wanted to know who the ‘lady engineer’ was doing the voiceover on a presentation for an International Engineers Conference, they were convinced that the Voiceover person must have had a working knowledge of the material !  Over the last couple of years I have been introducing Sandra to more “commercial” style voiceovers.  With all that in mind, Sandra’s first real demo is below. Please take a listen and we’d love it if you left some comments !  

Audio MP3

I forgot to mention, if you’re interested in using Sandra as a voice artist – you can contact her at Sandra@fvo1.com.au or by contacting me.

2 Responses to “FVO1 – Sandra”

  • Dad:

    She has a lightness to her accent, which would make her easier to present to a client here in America.

  • Bob Allen:

    what a great voice and a technoid to boot! what a combination. Thanks for sharing Brutha!

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